The stars lean down to kiss you, I lie awake to miss you.
Violet Eyes Turns Brighter

Disclaimer. Whatever. Navigations are Violet, Eyes, Turns, Brighter.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:04 AM

Hey Tiff this is a blog for you,
You've been so nice so me since I came and i think we grew closer after the d of e camp :)

I just want to say thank you for being such a great friend,
thank you for being so nice and cute,
and thank you for the amazing party! ;)

And and, i totally LOVE the food there! XD
and i was sooo full! (haha yes, someone like me said that~)
the movie was good :) 
it was so action packed but it got a really good plot,
and though the ending was a bit confusing... (me and sonia was like "what? its finished??")
i really liked it! it was so good, and the sofa was SOOO COMFY!~  =D
and tiff i really liked your outfit today!
you look like a modern day princess!  ^_^

Again, HAPPY BDAY and thanks for the party

PS. I hope you like the presents! :)
Angel Huang 9M